In Cobourg, we are all about shopping local. If you operate a business in Cobourg and don't already have a business profile, please register to create your business profile.
Alternatively, if you already have a profile, but need some changes, please let us know and we'll take care of it. Or, if you would like to manage your own profile, we would be happy to help you with the how-to's. This will allow you to perform updates at any time, add your logo and advertise your in-store promotions.
We invite you to subscribe to our Business Support Newsletter to stay informed on current government regulations and funding opportunities, grants and funding programs, business resources and services.
If You Have A Question Regarding the Business Directory.
Contact the administrator at
Fleming College's Cobourg Campus serves Northumberland County along the 401 corridor by offering educational opportunities and training for job readiness as well as helping to enhance current and future employment opportunities. These courses and programs are offered on a full-time or part-time basis. The campus offers the Personal Support Worker Certificate program, the fast-tracked Food Service Worker Certificate program, Academic Upgrading, the Language Instruction for New Canadians (LINC) program, as well as part-time courses and online learning opportunities related to the arts and photography, business, computers, and innovative leadership that are provided on-site as well as at Venture13 on daytime, evening, or self-paced schedule. Fleming's Cobourg Campus also offers customized training tailored to your organization's needs. From short workshops to extensive programs and certification, at your location or on campus, our expert trainers provide real-world expertise and an effective, interactive, enjoyable learning environment. The campus also offers full connectivity to other Fleming College campuses through the campus Learning Commons.