In Cobourg, we are all about shopping local. If you operate a business in Cobourg and don't already have a business profile, please register to create your business profile.
Alternatively, if you already have a profile, but need some changes, please let us know and we'll take care of it. Or, if you would like to manage your own profile, we would be happy to help you with the how-to's. This will allow you to perform updates at any time, add your logo and advertise your in-store promotions.
We invite you to subscribe to our Business Support Newsletter to stay informed on current government regulations and funding opportunities, grants and funding programs, business resources and services.
If You Have A Question Regarding the Business Directory.
Contact the administrator at
The Help Centre is a non-profit organization funded by United Way Northumberland and it was founded out of the Labour Movement in 1983.
Through the years, The Help Centre has offered different programs and services that interrupt the impact of poverty through informing, educating, empowering and advocating; and to secure the stability of the disadvantaged residents of the community (lower-income, unemployed, homeless, disabled, and residents with low levels of education/literacy).
The goals of our services are to reduce the rate of poverty in the community, reduce barriers to employment, provide housing stability, and increase the ability of low-income residents to manage their finances, and provide these residents with the necessary tools to empower them to enhance the quality of life for their families.
Even though The Help Centre is a small agency in size, it is large in its community impact. With a small staff, The Help Centre delivers a wide variety of services and programs that are not addressed by other government or social service agencies. Therefore, it has become one of the organizations most visited and referred to by clients and other agencies in Northumberland County.