In Cobourg, we are all about shopping local. If you operate a business in Cobourg and don't already have a business profile, please register to create your business profile.
Alternatively, if you already have a profile, but need some changes, please let us know and we'll take care of it. Or, if you would like to manage your own profile, we would be happy to help you with the how-to's. This will allow you to perform updates at any time, add your logo and advertise your in-store promotions.
We invite you to subscribe to our Business Support Newsletter to stay informed on current government regulations and funding opportunities, grants and funding programs, business resources and services.
If You Have A Question Regarding the Business Directory.
Contact the administrator at
Tattoos, Piercings, Art, Men and Womens clothing, hats, Jewelery, aftercare and many more accesories!
Wild Ink is seeking to change the image of tattooing and body piercing by providing modern and comfortable studios where people can have confidence in the quality of artwork, cleanliness of our studios, and in the sterilization of our equipment. We take pride in consistently exceeding provincial health regulations through our use of disposable tools and equipment in all your tattooing and piercing procedures. We are working hard to change negative perceptions and make people feel completely comfortable with their decision to get a tattoo and/or body piercing. All of our studios are fully air conditioned and only use 100% sterile disposable equipment. All of our work is also guaranteed. Our friendly staff is always willing to answer any questions you may have.